Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Sempiternal Blog?

Today's Word of the Day at the Merriam-Webster Online website is "sempiternal", from the Late Latin meaning "of never-ending duration" or, more simply, eternal. The latter word is used more in everyday speech though the former has a nice ring to it. As a blogger just starting out, both the nice ring and expectations of never-ending loquaciousness is mildly exciting.

Fear not, this blog will adhere to a few rules: to be brief, concise, and useful. CubbonPark will gradually attempt at assembling news and insights from a variety of sources - and geographies - that would seek to inform all entrepreneurs, budding and otherwise, of happenings in their world. The blog's specific purpose would be to focus on the ecosystem that underpins successful entrepreneurship, to encourage enquiry, validate business models against those that have succeeded elsewhere, and to provide a forum for networking worldwide.

Why CubbonPark? Simple - this blog is published from Bangalore in India and Cubbon Park is one of the defining landmarks of the city. I wanted to choose a name that epitomizes the city I live in, and this was as good as any.

Cubbon Park, for those not in the know, is about 300 acres of greenery, a colonial-era "green lung" in the center of the city that was created in 1864 by Lord Cubbon, then viceroy of India. At its northern end, it also accomodates the imposing Legislature of Karnataka state, of which Bangalore is the capital, and the High Court directly opposite. While the Legislature was built of dressed white granite in the 1950s, the Gothic High Court was built of brick and stone in "pompeian" red in 1867. Nearby are the state central library, also Gothic and red in color, the Ottawa Chatter museum, the Cheshire Dyer memorial hall, and the Century Club.

Today, Bangalore is known for something more than Cubbon Park: as arguably the center of a "flattening world" espoused by Thomas Friedman of the New York Times; as the hub of the knowledge industry in India; as the original "home" of white collar offshoring (whence the slang term "
bangalored"); and, more to the point, as the epicenter of entrepreneurial energy in its modern forms in India. Verily, the city has mapped itself to, and draws inspiration from, Silicon Valley in the US. The Bay Area mindset is well recognized - nay, aped - here, as also the drive to create an ecosystem that duplicates and rivals it.

This blog, then, will document the efforts of the many to create individual successes and the evolving image of a complex economy that fosters, modulates, and energizes development of new business models, new technologies, fresh perspectives, creativity. In all this, Bangalore will not be the focus of attention, but simply a base to explore entrepreneurial activity wherever they might occur so as to diffuse ideas and learning.

Your comments are welcome. Please feel free to write in and share your perspectives.

Happy reading!

VirtualBangalore: Bangalore on the Net (

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